Rosie Pages Logo - a blog by KH.jpg

In October of 2008, on the heels of bankruptcy, divorce, and the untimely death of the family cat, Rosie, my kids and I set a goal of drawing one hundred cat pictures (some of Rosie, some of my friends’ cats, some of my friends as cats). I still draw cats, among other things, and share my writing here on The Rosie Pages blog. I hope my writing makes you laugh, cry, or cry ‘til you laugh. You might also find a few good book recommendations. Thank you for coming along with me!



The Art of Herding Cats: How I Survived the Teenage Years without Losing My Mind
Kelly Harwood Kelly Harwood

The Art of Herding Cats: How I Survived the Teenage Years without Losing My Mind

When my kids were little, I'd go to parent-teacher conferences or chaperone a field trip and think, my kids, are angels compared to most of these yahoos. As a high school teacher, I'd see my students getting into trouble or making bad choices and pat myself on the back. Clearly, I had cracked the code on this parenting thing. Naturally, my kids would be model teenagers because I was a model parent. Boy, was I wrong.

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